Prime Candidate’s Unique ARM™ Outplacement Service

arm-imagePrime Candidate has designed its own outplacement service aimed specifically at the more mature worker to ‘arm’ the individual with all the tools and understanding of being successful in finding new employment. The ARM™ Model (Assessment, Review and Market) is a three key stage plan of consolidation of an individuals’ outlook that results in an action plan to find new work.

It is an on-line service that dovetails with classroom style activities, making it easily accessible and can be completed in the candidates own time and pace. It provides a confidence boost when it is most needed, rather than feeling rejected by their employer, this programme provides a stable footing to consider on-going employment options. The course of interaction allows the candidate to consolidate where they are in the employment process, using a number of tools to: Assess their skills base; Review and specify a transition path; create a plan of action to take their offer to Market.

We offer this programme in support of employers with their commitment to Age Diversity, Corporate and Social Responsibilities, and creating employer benefits. When tough decisions have to be made, this service provides added value to the employer and employee, in that the released employee can join our outplacement programme to assess and consolidate new career avenues, whilst also joining the recruitment programme and accessing new opportunities. Again, we have designed this unique programme to provide ultimate value to both candidate and employer, with hope and aspiration for the candidate and an affordable package for the employer that helps them offer significant value to their HR Handbook and Employee benefits.

Give your staff the best new start

If you are an employer having to make tough decisions, give your released staff the best opportunity to assess their skills and to build a path to a new career and life style. This service gives significant value to the staff member as well as providing you with a demonstrable employee benefit.

Register Staff for ARM™